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  • Industry
  • PDQ GT 135LED Spirit

    Classroom Intruder Lock

    SKU: GT PHL 135LED 626

    Key Override

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    • ANSI Grade 1 Extra Heavy Duty cylindrical door lock with LED indicator
    • LED Function:  Pushing the button located on the rose of the inside lock, Red LED illuminates indicating the outside lever is locked
    • Exceeds 2,100 in lbs. of torque resistance
    • Classroom Security (Intruder) Function (F110) — Latchbolt operated by lever from either side, key in either lever locks outside lever, key in either lever unlocks outside lever, inside lever always free
    • Backset:  2-3/4″
    • Handing:  Field Reversible
    • Door Situation:  Fits left, right wood/metal swing doors
    • Lever Style — Philadelphia. Miami & Boston designs available upon request
    • Architectural Satin Chrome Finish. Call for additional finish options
    • Door Thickness:  1-3/4″ ~ 2-1/4″
    • Keys:  Two (2) keys provided per lock
    • Keyway — Schlage / SCC.  May be custom ordered in keyways of most major manufacturers.
    • Cylinder:  Brass 6-pin cylinder, keyed to 5 pins.
    • Interchangeable Core (6 or 7 pin):  Available in Best IC – less core (SFIC) and Schlage Large Format LFIC (PHL lever only).  IC models sold less core, IC cores sold separate if you’re not using your own
    • Strike:  4-7/8″ ASA strike included.  Full lip strike, and T strike available upon request
    • U.L. LISTED:  U.L., U.L.C. listed for “A” label (3 hour) single swing doors (4′ x 8′) / UL 10C / UBC 7-2 (1997) positive pressure, for single doors up to 4’0” x 8’0”
    • CERTIFICATIONS:  ANSI A156.2-2003, Series 4000, Grade 1. Meets all applicable accessibility requirements of the ADA. U. L. Listed. BHMA.
    • WARRANTY:  Twenty-Five (25) year manufacturer limited warranty
    • COUNTRY OF ORIGIN:  Assembled in the USA using US and Foreign material.  This product meets the requirements of the Buy American Act.
    Keep the Classroom Door Closed While You Check Security of Outside Lever There are large gaps in door security in today's classrooms.  Many classroom doors don't have locks, and ones that do are not using a lockset with the classroom intruder function, or lockdown capability.  Classroom intruder locks, including this ANSI Grade 1 LED model by PDQ, reduce the time it takes to lock the outside lever.  This can delay or outright prevent someone entering the room who is intent on inflicting harm. Everyone assumes you must pay more for premium quality.  The PDQ GT Series locks contradict this assumption.  They are UL listed, ANSI grade 1, exceed 2100 in lbs. of torque resistance, feature solid zinc diecast ADA levers, and are windstorm resistant.  When your door project calls for heavy duty locks, look no further than the GT.  From the rose plate, to the thru-bolt bushings, and into the chassis, the extra heavy duty GT lock is designed for reliability.  Isn't coming in under budget worth the change to PDQ? Download GT Series Spec Sheet


    Manufacturer PDQ Manufacturing
    Product Headline Classroom Intruder Lock
    Function Classroom Intruder
    Handle Type Lever Handle Door Locks
    Locking Device Cylindrical Latch
    Brand PDQ

    Door requirements

    Door Prep Standard 2 1/8 in. Cross-Bore


    Key Override Best IC, Standard Cylinder, Schlage IC
