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  • Industry
  • dormakaba File Guard FG10

    Pushbutton Filing Cabinet Lock

    SKU: FG12-B


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    3 Years of SHIELD Coverage

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    • Quality guaranteed with heavy-duty channel bar locking. Steel bar
    • Fully mechanical locking notch bolt. No batteries or wiring to hassle over
    • Pass-code access. One easy and convenient PIN for all users
    • Entry gained by entering correct code sequence, pushing unlock button, and then angling channel bar off to the side
    • Code can quickly be changed when there is office turnover. No need to remove steel bar from filing cabinet
    • Solid metal buttons for entering code are vandal resistant
    • Mounting hardware included. Simply attach to cabinet with pins (3/8" steel bolts)

    Note: 2-drawer bar is 29" long, 4-drawer bar is 51 1/4" long, 5-drawer bar is 59" long. Custom length channel bars may be ordered by calling (937) 247-9327. Please have length ready. Adds $12.00 to order

    Can't find your filing cabinet keys?  You swear you just had them.  Hey we feel your pain, and have been there.  Now the good news!  ...this terrific new keyless cabinet lock.  With minimal investment and about the same amount of time it takes to get ready in the morning, you can turn any conventional filing cabinet into a push-button controlled security cabinet.  The File Guard is guaranteed to protect you and your private, restricted, and confidential filings from unauthorized retrieval much more so than a keyed setup where cabinets are bound to be left unlocked because of the hassle of tracking down the key... and not to mention how many key copies may be circling about.


    Manufacturer dormakaba USA Inc.
    Finish Black
    Solution Mechanical
    Warranty 1 Year Manufacturer
    Access Type Combo
    Locking Device Notch Bolt
    Brand dormakaba Simplex

    Door requirements

    Door Handing Non-Handed


    Code Length 1 to 5 Digits
    Code Capacity 1


    Dimensions 7 3/10 (H) x 1 1/2 (W) x 2 1/4 (D) in.
    Weight 3.5 lbs