Iris Recognition Biometric Access Control System
SKU: iCAM7000
High stakes require high security. Once enrolled, the IrisAccess iCAM7000 gives clearance to individuals who present an exact match of their eyes to the reader. This is the highest security available for a physical access control system on the planet. This is because ours, yours, and everyone's eyes are unique. In fact, it's estimated the chances of two people having identical iris is 1 in 10 to the 78th power. While other identity convention devices using iris recognition are nothing more than a sophisticated looking toy, the IrisAccess system uses technology originally licensed by LG. It was the best when it was LG Iris, and it's even better now with the new design features that add speed, and make the enrollment process more intuitive. Iris ID is no miss, and all hit, and will ensure what you are designing, protecting, transporting, controlling, or storing is accomplished easily, and at the highest levels of security known to man. Embraced initially only by governments and companies where cost was no object, Iris ID today is in its fourth generation, and is gaining ground quickly as a first choice option for applications that extend well beyond border crossings, underground vaults, international airports, and nuclear reactor sites. Service companies, to more traditional commercial type businesses, including healthcare and banking where a premium is placed on security, are adopting iris recognition at a fast rate. Any company can use Iris ID, and facilities with a wiegand type proximity system are ideally suited because of the ability to integrate, and create a multi-factor authentication system. There are no cards to lose, loan out, or misuse, compromising security, and no hands to wash, or gloves to remove as required with fingerprint readers. You can even keep your goggles on. Iris ID is totally non-invasive, doing nothing more than taking a picture of the iris. There are no lasers, nor bright lights, a misunderstood, and unwarranted criticism that has dogged these devices. Iris ID cannot harm your eye in any way. You may have been waiting for a game changing access control system to come along, Iris ID is it.
Positive Identification - After 12 months of age, the iris pattern is stable and does not change through a person's life. The iris pattern is unique - although the left and right iris are different.
Convenient, Intuitive User Interface - Using the technology is an almost intuitive experience, requiring relatively little cooperation from subjects. Proximity sensors activate the equipment, which incorporates mirror-assisted alignment functionality. Audio auto-positioning prompts, automated image capture, and visual and audio authentication decision-cuing completes the process.
Most Accurate - The probability of two individuals having the same iris pattern is 1 in 10 to the 78th power. The most accurate biometric technology commercially available as of today. Statistical probability of iris achieving a false accept is 1 in 1.2 million at 0.325 HD threshold. Iris ID examines more than 240 of the 400 measurable variables (degrees of freedom) in the human eye.
Easy to Use - Just take a look from a distance of 12-14 inches (31-15cm) for recognition. Correct recognition is possible even when wearing sunglasses or contact lens. The Iris Reader can even be mounted behind glass.
Simple System Configuration - Compatible with virtually any Card based access control system via a standard Wiegand output. iCAM7000 may be used for stand-alone access control, as a replacement for Wiegand card readers, or mounted next to a card reader for two-factor authentication. Ideal for Time and Attendance also (iCAM7100 only).
PC Software Managed - Unit comes packed with iCAM Entry Software. Enterprise IrisAccess iData EAC software available and becomes the workhorse of the iCAM7000. More than three readers on the system, you should use the enterprise software configuration. iData is a simple and flexible administrative UI for enrollment, setup, and reporting.
Rapid Speed of Throughput - Iris recognition is especially powerful in a large scale environment such as airport or border crossing where high throughput is needed (1:N recognition among 1 million person database is less than 2 seconds).
Non-Invasive - Iris recognition is non-contact and non-invasive which means it is safe from any harmful contamination among people.
Highly Scalable - It's highly scalable from mid/small size office environment to large scale enterprise systems or ultra large scale national ID project.
Countermeasure - Iris ID becomes higher standard of biometric security solution. IrisAccess has perfect countermeasure solution for filtering photo, video or fake eye intrusion.
Performance Data - Richness of iris results in degrees of freedom (data points) than any other biometrics (except DNA).
Manufacturer | Iris ID |
Brand | Iris ID |