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  • Industry
  • Turn Off Christmas Lights from Your Phone

    Turn Off Christmas Lights from Your Phone

    Brrrr… baby it’s cold outside… and getting colder. Do you really want to freeze your derriere off to unplug your outside lights? We’re from the Midwest and we sure don’t! Unless you’re lucky enough to live in tropical latitudes this Christmas season we suggest making your outdoor lights controllable from your phone. You won’t have to stare out the window wondering whether you want to risk frost bite, or if the neighbors see you in your skivvies while you try to set the new world record for fastest person ever to go out and come back in at 11 o’clock at night.

    So how would one go about this you ask. Thankfully, living in the times of IoT makes it easy. Pick up a hub from Vera along with this outdoors GE smart switch and you’re in business. Homerun the lights back to the switch and plug the switch into your outlet. Vera has a free app to bring your lights online and then shut them off from your phone. Or, you can set a scene, scheduling the lights to go off automatically at a time you desire.

    Electric bill savings, you stay warm, and no funny stories from your neighbors at the next get together.


    Z-Wave Outdoor Lighting Module