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  • Industry
  • Top 10 Reasons in 10' to Get a Keyless Lock

    10 – New year, new keyless lock.

    9 – It’s not fair anymore, you don’t need a key to get in your car, yet you still do to get in your house. What’s up with that!

    8 – You refuse to be locked out freezing your tail off waiting on the fire department to let you in, while on-lookers snicker at your misfortune.

    7 – Key ring has way too many dangly things.

    6 – “I can’t keep the backup keys under the mat outside for more than a week!”

    5 – With all the recent break-ins in the neighborhood its time to put keyless locks on the doors. Would be theives will take one look at this lock and feel threatened themselves!

    4 – Talk at the watercooler is how keyless locks rock!

    3 – “I saw recently online a famous celebrity and captain of industry had a keyless lock on his private jet’s restroom door – SOLD ME!”

    2 – Prices on keyless locks are nothing what they used to be, your wallet will thank you.

    1 – High security to protect you and your family in a tricky and dangerous world.