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  • Industry
  • The First Thing You Need to Get Started with Home Automation

    smartphone on smart home

    You may have heard the phrases “home automation” or “smart home” many times before, but if the concept is still a little foggy to you, don’t worry; that’s completely understandable. After all, smart home technology covers a very wide range of applications, from lighting to temperature control to entertainment systems, and new innovations are being introduced all the time.

    The main thing to remember about home automation is that it’s designed to make your life simpler by automating many of the mundane everyday tasks that you don’t necessarily look forward to doing–you know, like turning all the lights off in the house at night, adjusting your thermostat or making sure that your doors are locked when you leave the house.

    If you’re ready to get into the world of smart home technology, you can approach it one of two ways: You can either “piecemeal” your way into it, or you can utilize an integrated system. While nothing’s wrong with converting to smart home products one device at a time, bear in mind that each product will come with its own app as well as its own particular nuances that you’ll have to take the time to learn. While this may be okay for one or two products, it can become overwhelming when you’re talking about automating several different devices in your home. Going this route may not make your home “smarter” after all.

    An integrated home automation system, however, makes perfect sense for converting your entire home to “smart” status; that’s what BeHome247 is all about. BeHome247 simplifies the entire home automation process by using a connection standard known as Z-Wave. Instead of hooking up your smart devices to your WiFi or Bluetooth network, which are not ideal in terms of power consumption and network range, you can connect any Z-Wave compatible device (and there are tons of them) to the BeHome247 home automation system, enabling all of your devices to “speak the same language.”

    Once everything is connected to your BeHome247 gateway, you can control all of your smart home devices from your smartphone, tablet or laptop using the BeHome247 online portal. No need to jump back and forth from one app to another to repeat the same actions over and over again; through one simple and intuitive interface, you can control the settings for your lights, thermostat, door locks, motion sensors, home security cameras, etc., all at one time.

    With BeHome247, you can automate your daily routines by creating super-convenient scenarios to customize your home environment how you see fit. For example, you can create a scene called “home from work” that preps your house for your arrival by activating the thermostat (no need to leave it on all day anymore), and turning on the lights. Your devices can be triggered by time or by sensor; all you have to do is log into the online BeHome247 online interface (which can be done from anywhere that has an Internet connection) and set it up according to your preferences. This beats the heck out of juggling dozens of different apps, or having to keep up with everything manually! As you can see, home automation doesn’t have to be complicated at all!

    BeHome247 Wireless Smart Home Deadbolt Package