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The holiday season is fast approaching, and the latest offerings in the realm of high-tech gadgetry are flying off the shelves at a record pace. The sheer number of tech products available on the market can make it difficult for you to narrow down what gifts to buy, especially if you have a technology-obsessed loved one on your holiday shopping list. Should you go for wearable tech, or stick with a more “classic geek” vibe such as computer peripherals? And what if you buy Version 2.0, only to find out that he/she really wanted Version 3.1? With all of the potential to commit a tech gift faux pas, is there any “can’t-miss” gift available for technology lovers? Take heart, concerned Christmas shopper–home automation is your answer!
If there’s one thing that technology lovers all share in common, it is the innate desire to do something cool with the push of a button or the tap of a screen. With the BeHome247 home automation system, your favorite technophile will be able to control a variety of devices in their home such as lights, thermostats, motion sensors, cameras, water sensors, keyless locks, entertainment centers, and more by way of their smartphone, tablet or laptop.
BeHome247 can turn a regular home into a “smart home” by allowing the user to automate so many of the routine tasks that come along with managing a household. They can create various scenarios such as “on the job” or “nighttime” to regulate how the lights, thermostat, cameras, etc., will operate while they’re away at work, going to bed at night, and so forth.
Using the BeHome247 online interface, they can set times for their smart home devices to automatically activate, increasing their convenience level by eliminating redundant tasks. For example, if they want the house to be warm when they arrive home from work, they can instruct BeHome247 to turn on the heater about 30 minutes before they pull into the garage. If they want to alleviate the drudgery of making the nightly rounds to ensure that all doors in the house are locked, they can set up a “bedtime” scenario that will automatically engage all keyless door locks, securing their entire home in seconds with the tap of a screen.
Not only is BeHome247 a great way to help your loved one become “master of their own domain,” but it will also help them keep more money in their pocket throughout the year. Being able to control when the lights and thermostat are turned on or off–whether they’re at home or not–will make their home much more energy efficient, which means big savings on their monthly utility bills. It definitely beats keeping everything running while the house is empty during the day.
Why give your favorite tech buff a Christmas gift that will be outdated in a year or so? BeHome247 will make a long-lasting difference in their overall lifestyle, plus it will save them some significant money throughout the year. For these reasons (and many more), it’s pretty safe to say that BeHome247 is the gift that keeps on giving.
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