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  • Industry
  • Have Peace of Mind with Door and Window Sensors

    A burglar breaking into a home via a door with sensors.

    When you were a little kid, you probably had a few bouts with fear regarding “things that go bump in the night.” Back then you may have been concerned about a monster being under your bed, but now you’re far more aware of the very real threats that exist in our society today. After all, the world can be a dangerous place, and while you don’t want to succumb to fear or paranoia, you do have to think about how to protect your home against would-be intruders. We can definitely do our part by making sure to lock our windows and doors at night, but in the event that a door or window is accidentally left open or unlocked, how can you know about it before it’s too late? Fortunately, there is a very simple yet highly effective solution: Try installing door and window sensors in your home.

    Door and Window Sensors: What They’re All About
    Door and window sensors can act as an extra set of eyes for the areas of your home that are considered to be vulnerable access points. All you have to do is install these sensors on windows or doors around your home, and they will alert you immediately in the event that one of them are opened. All of this works by way of Z-Wave technology, which is a communications protocol that is used by dozens of home automation product manufacturers to help your smart home devices “talk” to each other. For example, you can use Aeon Labs DSB04100-ZWUS Door & Window Sensors in combination with the BeHome247 Home Automation System, so that any time a door or window is opened, the sensor will send you a “heads-up” by way of an email or text message on your smartphone. So whether you’re at home in bed or out at a restaurant, if anything fishy happens, you can get an immediate alert to make you aware of the situation so that you can respond accordingly. At any given time, you can use the BeHome247 interface to check on the open/closed status of all of your sensor-enabled windows and doors, giving you much more control over the security of your home.

    Door and Window Sensors: Other Cool Features
    Since these door and window sensors can be fully integrated into a Z-Wave network, you can program them to trigger certain events or sequences whenever a door or window contact separates. For example, you might want a lamp in the living room to illuminate as soon as you open the front door, or you could program your Z-wave enabled home security camera to begin recording live video as soon as the sensor indicates any type of security breach. There are dozens of different configurations and setups you could try to help you stay in control of your residence, and they can be set up using nothing more than a few clicks or screen taps on your laptop, smartphone or tablet device.
    While there will always be security risks in this day and age, you can put the odds in your favor by adding door and window sensors to your home security arsenal. Using these simple yet powerful tools, you can boost the security of your residence and give yourself and your family much more peace of mind.

    Aeotec Z-Wave Door & Window Sensor