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  • Industry
  • How to Shop for Appliances That Are Compatible with Home Automation

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    Maybe you’ve heard the phrase “The Internet of Things” before, but if you haven’t or you’re not quite sure what that’s all about, it’s basically referring to the growing trend of using Internet-connected devices in our daily lives. Everything from garage doors to thermostats to entertainment systems are now being manufactured with built-in Internet connectivity, allowing us to control them with a simple tap of the screen on our smartphones. This bumps up the convenience factor by a huge margin, and it makes many of life’s somewhat mundane daily tasks much easier and honestly, much cooler as well.

    Within the “Internet of Things,” home automation appliances have exploded in popularity over the past few years. All of us love the thought of being the master of our own domain, and home automation gives you the ability to do that with remarkable efficiency (and even a little bit of style). If you’re just getting started with home automation, it may be a little overwhelming to try to narrow down what to look for when shopping for smart home appliances, but just keep the following points in mind, and you’ll do fine.

    1. Decide whether you want to use several different stand-alone devices or an integrated “ecosystem” that operates from a central hub/gateway within the home. Keep in mind that if you decide to go the stand-alone route, you may have to deal with various connection protocols and app interfaces for each device that you choose. While this isn’t necessarily a deal-breaker, it would be much more convenient to have all of your smart home devices connected to one central hub, which would enable you to control all of them from one interface. That’s what the BeHome247 home automation system does; all you have to do is log into the BeHome247 online portal, and you can control each of your smart home appliances as you see fit, right from your smartphone, tablet or laptop. Yes, you can pop in and out of several different apps for several different stand-alone devices if you choose, but if you value convenience, BeHome247 has a clear advantage over the stand-alone method.
    2. Look for appliances that are Z-Wave compatible. Z-Wave is a highly efficient and immensely popular wireless communications protocol used by many home automation devices. Nine out of 10 leading security companies use the Z-Wave protocol, and dozens of major smart home appliance makers have also adopted Z-Wave as their protocol of choice. Simply put, if you want to make things a lot easier for yourself when shopping for smart home appliances, Z-Wave is the way to go.
    3. Instead of spending untold amounts of time scouring countless websites trying to find various home automation appliances, it makes a whole lot more sense to visit the “Home Automation Devices” section of the GoKeyless website, where you can shop for tons of different smart home devices all in one convenient place. No need to wear yourself out when the work is already done for you, right? Yeah, we think so, too.

    Of course, you will have to consider your priorities when determining which smart home appliances to buy first. Just try to think about the main inconvenience in your daily routine right now, and see if there’s a smart home device that can address that issue. By doing this, and keeping the above points in mind, you’ll be on your way to achieving home automation awesomeness.

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