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  • Industry
  • Breaking Down the Basics of the BeHome247 Kit

    Man using digital tablet for remote house control

    Unless you’ve been stranded on a desert island for a while, you’ve probably heard about smart home automation technology, and how much of a game-changer it’s been for home security and personal convenience. Being able to control your door locks, lights, thermostat, water sensors, cameras, small appliances and more from your smartphone or tablet is a huge time saver, and it beats the heck out of doing everything manually. The BeHome247 smart home automation system will open you up to an entirely new living experience, and will leave you wondering how (and why) you ever did things any other way. If you haven’t yet taken the time to look into what BeHome247 is all about, below is a brief overview of the basics of the BeHome247 kit. Read on, and be amazed.

    Control All of Your Smart Home Devices With Mind-Blowing Ease

    One of the most outstanding benefits of the BeHome247 system is that it automates most of the tasks around the house that you are accustomed to doing manually. You can enroll all kinds of devices into the BeHome247 online interface, which then gives you the ability to control them from your smartphone as you see fit. You can adjust the settings for your keyless locks, thermostat, entertainment system, lights, motion sensors, home surveillance cameras, and much more to suit your needs.

    For example, if you’re normally responsible for making the nightly rounds to ensure that all of your doors are locked, BeHome247 can simplify this process for you. Just enroll your keyless locks into the BeHome247 system, and you can lock all of your doors with a couple of taps of the screen.

    If you’re the “temperature Nazi” in your home, you’re probably used to constantly adjusting the thermostat to keep things at a comfortable level. With BeHome247, you can adjust your temperature settings from your smartphone; this means that you don’t even have to leave the couch to warm up or cool down your house as you see fit. You can also set up your system to prompt your thermostat and lights into action once a particular door code has been entered. This means that once you punch your entry code into the keypad on your front door lock, your house will respond to your arrival by making the place more comfortable for you. When it comes to convenience, it’s hard to beat what BeHome247 has to offer.

    One important point that should be emphasized is that you can control all of your enrolled devices remotely from any WiFi-enabled smartphone, tablet or laptop, which means that you don’t even have to be home in order to make adjustments to your settings. You can lock or unlock your doors, brighten or dim your lights, adjust your motion sensors, etc., from practically anywhere. If there’s ever a need to make adjustments to your settings on the fly, you can quickly log into the BeHome247 online portal, tap a couple of buttons and take care of it without even breaking a sweat.

    Create Scenes for Ultimate Convenience

    The ability to create scenes is one of the coolest features of the BeHome247 home automation system. A scene is simply a combination of settings that you have established for several devices that can be enabled with one click. For example, you may want to set up an “away from home” scene that turns off your lights, adjusts your thermostat and locks all of your doors, to ensure that your home is secure while you’re out and about. You can set up other scenes such as “bedtime,” “home from work,” etc., each of which will adjust your devices to the appropriate settings for that particular scene. These scenes can be triggered manually, or you can set them up to kick into action based on a preset time, or even via a motion sensor.

    BeHome247: Savings on Every Side

    The convenience that BeHome247 affords will save you tons of time by automating tasks that, if we’re being honest, you really don’t feel like doing most of the time anyway. It can also save you money on your utility bills by optimizing your home for the most appropriate energy usage. And perhaps most important of all, BeHome247 can save you a whole lot of worry by ensuring that you are in complete control of your home security, which will help you and your family sleep better at night.