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  • Backyard Security Ideas: Outdoor Keyless Gate Locks to Lighting

    Backyard Security Ideas: Outdoor Keyless Gate Locks to Lighting

    We all love when the ground thaws and the temperature heats up! It means gorgeous outdoor weather is just around the corner. From opening up the windows and letting in fresh air to decorating your backyard patio or enjoying a family bonfire, there are so many reasons why homeowners prefer to spend the majority of their time outdoors!

    But when you’re not home to enjoy the warmer weather, there’s a higher chance of your home being broken into, especially during the summer months when the kids aren’t in school.

    According to an FBI crime report, in 2019, more than 1 million burglaries were reported in the United States, with over 50% of that total number resulting from forced entries and 37.8% from unlawful entries. It’s estimated that those who were victims of burglary offenses in 2019 suffered $3 billion in property losses, with the average loss per burglary totaling $2,661.

    To ensure your home stays locked, and most importantly, that your loved ones stay protected while you’re away, here are four effective home security ideas to protect your property from its most vulnerable place: the backyard.

    4 Backyard Security Tips for Homeowners

    Test All Windows & Door Locks

    Get into the habit of checking your home’s windows and door locks for strength, durability, and functionality. Begin with the front entry points and end with the secondary entry points in the back, such as your sliding glass doors.

    We recommend the Lockey 2500: Both waterproof and keyless, this sliding door lock offers fast, DIY mounting and setup and features over 8,000 possible code combinations for higher backyard security.

    Remember, if you notice your locks are becoming weak due to age, wear, or grade-level quality, it’s time to replace them.

    GoKeyless can help! Contact us at (877) 439 – 5377 to learn more.

    Install a Keyless Gate Lock

    If the back of your home is fenced in with a wooden or metal gate, be sure to install a keyless gate lock application or a heavy duty gate latch. Because your backyard area is more secluded, it may offer burglars more privacy to assess your home and discover an easy entry point that you may have overlooked.

    We recommend the Lockey 3835: This mechanical keyless passage lever lock features an auto-locking mechanism and passage mode, making it easy for friends and family to enter while keeping others out.

    Add Outdoor Lighting

    After sunset, your home can easily become more susceptible to burglars using the cover of darkness to break into your property. Try adding motion detecting light fixtures around both your backyard and front yard area.

    Utilize Smart Technology as a Home Security Solution

    From adding surveillance camerasin and around your home to securing each entry point using wireless door locks, there are endless ways you can enhance the safety of your home while also adding more confidence and peace of mind you can control from anywhere.

    We recommend the Ultraloq UL1: This bluetooth-enabled fingerprint and key fob smart lock features auto-relock, privacy lockout, and free passage modes for an advanced backyard security system!

    Enhance Your Backyard Security with GoKeyless

    If you’re looking to update your home’s backyard security with outdoor keyless gate locks, padlocks, smart home cameras, and more, browse our selection of keyless solutions today

    We offer a large variety of residential keyless locksto help protect your home and the ones who live inside it. To get started, you can search for products by category or brand or contact our support team to discuss your home security needs and help you find the best keyless solution.

    Call us at (877) 439-5377 today!