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  • Industry
  • 3 Things to Consider Before Making Your Home a Smart Home

    handsome mature man relaxing with his digital tablet at home

    Home automation is one of the most exciting aspects of the Internet of Things. Over the past couple of years, all kinds of innovative gadgets designed for use in smart homes have been hitting the shelves in record numbers, a clear sign that consumer demand for home automation products continues to rise. With all the excitement surrounding this new arena of home technology, it can be tempting to just run right out and scoop up all of the latest smart home gadgets, but that may not be the best approach.

    The further you look into various home automation options, the more you realize that it’s not something you should rush into without doing a little homework at first. If you’ve been thinking about venturing into the realm of home automation, below are three important things to consider before making your home a smart home.

    1. Consider your most important needs first.

    Any new change in life brings with it the necessity to establish priorities, and upgrading to home automation is no different. When determining which smart home products to buy first, ask yourself these questions: Which home automation product would make the most positive impact on my life? Which product would help me the most in terms of eliminating regular mundane tasks and freeing up more of my time? When you can clearly identify the results you’re trying to achieve, it will make it much easier to select the most important home automation product(s) to buy first.

    2. Consider the issue of fragmentation versus integration.

    Many smart home products have an undeniable coolness factor about them; for example, there are light switches with iPad-like touch-screen controls, and there are thermostats that look like something you would find on a space shuttle. This admirable aesthetic wizardry can make it tempting to buy these gadgets just for the sake of how neat they look. The only problem with this is that each gadget is a stand-alone appliance, requiring its own particular app and carrying its own nuances that will take time to learn. This might be okay if we’re talking about one or two smart home products, but if you’re trying to install multiple home automation devices, you might actually complicate your life instead of simplifying it.

    The BeHome247 home automation system offers an integrated level of control by allowing you to connect all of your home automation products into one centralized interface. No more fooling around with various different (and sometimes conflicting) protocols, and no more poring over multiple instruction manuals. With BeHome247, you simply enroll all of your smart home products into the system, and then you are able to control everything from one single interface using your smartphone, tablet or laptop.

    3. Consider your access to power around the home.

    While some smart home devices are powered by batteries (e.g., keyless locks), many of them are not. This means you’ll have to give some serious thought as to how and where to plug all of these devices in, and how to keep the various power cords from cluttering the look of your home. If you’re able to install power outlets in inconspicuous locations, so much the better, and if possible, consider investing in power outlets that feature USB ports. This will go a long way toward keeping everything neat and tidy, and will prevent the rat’s nest look that can come from lackluster cable management.

    Upgrading your home to smart home status is definitely an exciting venture. Use the ideas listed above to help you make the transition into home automation as smooth as possible.

    BeHome247 Wireless Smart Home Deadbolt Package