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  • Industry
  • What is an RFID Lock?

    RFID Locks

    An RFID lock sounds fancy to some, but these days, it’s actually quite common in our everyday lives. Chances are, you’ve already used it to access your hotel room or office building, or you’ve used the technology for remote entry to your vehicle with a proximity lock.

    RFID technology can even be used for actions like tracking equipment or scanning products to automatically update inventory.

    So what is this technology, and how can it keep you secure?

    What Does RFID Mean, Anyway?

    RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification. Locks that use RFID technology consist of two parts: a reader (i.e., reads the tag to determine whether or not to give access) and a tag (e.g., a card, key fob, smartphone or Bluetooth, or another device that transmits identity).

    Both of these parts use radio waves. The tag sends radio waves out containing identifying information, and the reader sends radio waves to receive signals from the tag.

    The tag just needs to be waved in front of the reader in order for it to work. There’s no inserting or sliding of the card, which saves some wear and tear on both the tag and the reader.

    Who Uses RFID Locks?

    Businesses like corporations, hotels, and hospitals use RFID locks most commonly, due to the large numbers of people and rooms they are providing access to.

    RFID locks are great for these businesses for a few reasons:

    • You can give people access to multiple rooms with only one key card.
    • You can restrict access as needed. For example, limiting employees or maintenance staff only to daytime hours, or limiting visitors to specific days.
    • Businesses can track which employees use which rooms and when, which helps them with room management.
    • You can reprogram the card as security changes. For instance, if a junior employee becomes more senior and needs greater access, you can reprogram her card instead of providing a new one.
    • You can also program it for safety, such as all doors unlocking if there is a fire.

    RFID locks can hold small amounts of identifying data or up to several pages of data, which is what allows them this versatility.

    Homeowners may also use RFID locks, though this is less common since their needs are much less complex than a business.

    Other Considerations

    • RFID locks are generally waterproof due to being enclosed.
    • Though RFID will stop working when the power goes out, the majority of systems have battery backups to avoid this problem, so you stay safe and protected.

    Go Keyless for Your Business or Home

    Interested in going keyless for your home or property? Shop at GoKeyless to discover the RFID products we have, as well as other options, such as code locks or fingerprint locks, to suit your needs and budget.