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  • Industry
  • GoKeyless Attends CES 2014

    International CES

    The 2014 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is underway in Las Vegas, and we’re there! The next four days we’ll be on the floor, shaking hands and rubbing shoulders with the top names in technology from around the world. From keynote speeches from renowned tech titans and awards to product announcements and events—we’re very excited to be attending the show for our fourth year in a row.

    While there’s much to do and see here at the show, here at GoKeyless we’re mostly focused on home automation, specifically a group of home automation manufacturers that are a part of Z-Wave Alliance. A large number of GoKeyless manufacturers will be represented throughout the Z-Wave section.

    About Z-Wave

    Home automation is gaining considerable traction in the U.S. throughout the past years and Z-Wave is leading the pack. The Z-Wave Alliance is a consortium of over 250 leading manufacturers and service providers worldwide that are dedicated to interoperable wireless control products based on the Z-Wave open standard. Z-Wave has been expanding their CES presence every year and plans on hosting their largest CES exhibit this year. The Z-Wave Alliance membership is comprised of industry leaders from across the entire spectrum of the home controls market. They share a common consensus and a common goal — to provide advanced yet practical systems that deliver increased comfort, convenience, safety and security using Z-Wave technology. Each year, the innovation and capabilities of cutting-edge products that will work on all Z-Wave platforms amazes us—and we’re certain that this year will be no exception.

    Manufacturers Represented at the Show

    Improved relations with manufacturers equates to lower prices for our customers. We’ll be engaging with all of the following GoKeyless manufacturers at CES 2014:

    • Yale Real Living – keyless locks for Z-Wave home automation
    • Nexia – full Z-Wave home automation platform
    • Vera – full Z-Wave home automation platform
    • Schlage – keyless locks for Z-Wave home automation
    • Kwikset – keyless locks for Z-Wave home automation
    • AeonLabs – accessories for Z-Wave home automation

    CES 2014 Deal: 15% off Yale Real Living Keyless Locks

    Yale Real Living will be sending all of their booth visitors to GoKeyless.com to take advantage of our special offer this month. GoKeyless will be offering 15% off all Yale Real Living keyless locks throughout the month of January.

    Check back next week for a recap of the show, some product news, and a handful of pictures from the show floor.